How to obtain a residence permit in Thailand - grounds for obtaining

How to obtain a residence permit in Thailand - grounds for obtaining

How to obtain a residence permit in Thailand - grounds for obtaining

How to obtain a residence permit in Thailand


  1. 1.Basis for obtaining Thai citizenship
  2. 2. Cost and procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Thailand
  3. 3. Thai citizenship: pitfalls
  4. 4. Alternatives to residence permits in Thailand for investors

For the last few years, Thailand has remained one of the most popular destinations for Russians to move to. To obtain citizenship of this country, you will first have to obtain a residence permit (residence permit). This document allows non-residents to legally reside in the kingdom and also conduct business. The Thai authorities are introducing special benefits for foreign entrepreneurs. However, for each country there is a quota: 100 people per year who can issue the document. We will tell you more about how to obtain a residence permit in Thailand.

Grounds for obtaining Thai citizenship

Obtaining Thai citizenship is much more difficult than obtaining a residence permit. The process can take up to 3 years; a Russian must live in the country on the basis of a long-term visa. There are several long-term visa options:

  • 1. For work;
  • 2. For training;
  • 3. For business;
  • 4. For pensioners.

Important! When applying for citizenship, you cannot change the type of visa for 3 years, otherwise the period will be reset and you will have to live again for 3 years with a new visa.

On a long-term visa, you will have to pay income taxes (starting from the second year of residence)[1]. It is 15%. During this time, the amount must be at least 100 thousand baht. If it is less, then a refusal is possible. The law provides for 6 main methods of obtaining a residence permit. We'll tell you more about them.

Investment in the country's economy

Thailand is a country that is constantly developing. That is why it gladly accepts foreigners investing in the country’s economy. The Thai kingdom is well developed in all sectors. But most often they invest in the following areas:

  • 1. Construction;
  • 2. Tourism;
  • 3. Industry

When a non-resident invests more than 200 thousand dollars in the state economy, he can count on receiving a residence permit.

Opening a representative office

Thailand benefits not only from investments, but also from open representative offices of foreign companies and organizations. Therefore, those who were able to open them in Thailand or a subsidiary can also count on a residence permit in the kingdom.

Important! For a foreigner who applies for a residence permit, it is not enough to just be a representative of the company. It is important that he be part of its leadership.

Own business

Starting a business in Thailand is not difficult, as the authorities are interested in investment. You can choose different areas, but construction and tourism are especially popular. But there are still some restrictions for foreigners. The main thing is that the majority of the company's shares must be owned by a citizen of the Thai kingdom. He must own more than 51% of the shares. In addition, the Thai must be a member of the company's management.


Despite the variety of methods for obtaining a residence permit, this is considered the most used. This is due to its simplicity. Women or men who started a family with a Thai citizen can immediately apply for a residence permit. At the same time, refusals to provide it are practically excluded. Special rules apply to women. They can also obtain citizenship without any problems.

Retirement age

In Russia, upon reaching a certain age, you can receive pension payments from the state. There are no such benefits in Thailand. Therefore, Russians are in a more advantageous position.

In order for a non-resident of retirement age to obtain a residence permit, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • 1. Know the official language of Thailand;
  • 2. Have a fairly high income;
  • 3. Have a place for permanent residence (personal or rented for a long time).

Important! Buying real estate in the kingdom is a significant plus for a pensioner in obtaining a residence permit. But it does not guarantee this right.

Professional activity

Those non-residents of the country who, in their professional Their activities were able to make a significant contribution to the development of the kingdom. Residence permits can be obtained by foreigners of the following professions:

  1. 1. Civil servants;
  2. 2. Experts (regardless of industry);
  3. 3. Athletes;
  4. 4. Scientists and so on.

Applying for Thai citizenship for a child

If in a family where one parent is a citizen of Thailand and the other is a citizen of Russia, then the child has every reason to obtain Thai citizenship. This can be done if the parents are officially married. In the case of a civil marriage, citizenship can be obtained for a child only if the mother is a citizen of the kingdom. It doesn’t matter at all what country he was born in.

Cost and procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Thailand

Obtaining a residence permit is not a free procedure. The cost depends on the basis on which the document will be received. If the application is submitted on the basis of an official marriage with a Thai, you will have to pay 95,700 baht. If based on investment, employment in the country, then the duty will be 191,400 baht.

Important! To the amount of the fee you also need to add approximately 2 thousand dollars for legal services.

In general, the procedure for obtaining a residence permit in Thailand is as follows:

  1. 1. Obtaining a tourist visa. To obtain it, you should contact the Thai Embassy. You need to prepare the required package of documents, as well as pay the tax;
  2. 2. Entry into the territory of the state. You must have a foreign passport, which is valid for another six months after you must leave the country according to the terms of the tourist visa. Once you have crossed the border, you need to get an Arrival Cart in Thailand. This can be done at the migration service;
  3. 3. Submitting documents for a residence permit. The package of documents may vary. It all depends on the grounds for obtaining a residence permit. At this stage, the non-resident also pays the fee;
  4. 4. Passing a medical examination. This is a mandatory procedure for obtaining a residence permit;
  5. 5. Opening a bank account. You must not only open it, but also deposit at least 11 thousand dollars into your account. But in some cases the amount may be changed;
  6. 6. Obtaining a work permit (if required). To do this, you need to collect the necessary package of documents and submit an application to the Thai Employment Department;
  7. 7. Passing the exam

The package of documents will depend on the type of residence permit. It usually includes the following papers:

  1. 1. Statement;
  2. 2. Passport, copy;
  3. 3. Copy of the GOP;
  4. 4. A copy of the marriage certificate (if available);
  5. 5. Education documents;
  6. 6. Documents confirming ownership of housing or long-term lease;
  7. 7. Certificate of health;
  8. 8. Photo;
  9. 9. A document confirming no criminal record.

Thai citizenship: pitfalls

But obtaining Thai citizenship has several pitfalls that are worth knowing before submitting your documents[2]. There are several main ones:

  • 1. Thais have a mentality and way of life that is very different from Russians. Therefore, it’s worth living in the kingdom for a while on a tourist visa to understand whether this option suits you or not;
  • 2. There are no pensions in Thailand;
  • 3. The country does not provide for dual citizenship. Therefore, if you obtain permanent citizenship in Thailand, you will have to renounce Russian citizenship.

Alternatives to residence permits in Thailand for investors

Here are some alternatives to a residence permit in Thailand:

  • 1. Obtaining a residence permit in Italy. It can be obtained by investing more than 500 thousand euros;
  • 2. Portugal visa. Remote workers can receive it if they earn more than 3 thousand euros per month. You also need to rent or have your own housing in the country;
  • 3. "Golden Visa" This is a resident visa in the United Arab Emirates. It is issued when purchasing a home worth more than 545 thousand dollars.

In general, obtaining a residence permit in Thailand is not a difficult task. It can be obtained on the basis of investment, marriage, professional activity, opening a representative office or own business.


[1]. Khlain P. A., Kuznetsov N. G. LABOR MIGRATION BETWEEN MYANMAR AND THAILAND: APPROACHES TO LEGALIZATION AND INTEGRATION OF MIGRANTS //DEMIS. Demographic Studies/DEMIS. Demographic Research. – 2023. – T. 3. – No. 2. – pp. 134-143.

[2]. Kudryashova P. S. POSSIBILITY OF BUYING HOUSING IN THAILAND FOR FOREIGNERS / /Forum of young scientists. – 2017. – No. 6 (10). – pp. 1032-1036.